Bundesliga 1 (Germany)

The table shown below is as at the end of the 2023–34 season. The alt-3 table will start again for the new season, by the end of October.

This page is normally updated by around 0900 (UK time), on days after a match has been played.

Table written: Saturday 18 May 2024 at 23:46:15 (London time)
If this looks out of date, please try refreshing the page in your browser.

standard tablealt-3
MunBayern Munich3449723334.02.12
LeiRB Leipzig3438654434.01.91
UnBUnion Berlin34−2533151534.00.97

Home and away points-per-match rates:


The league-table rankings are shown in the centre of the table, with the alt-3 league position in bold to the right, and the more standard league-table position (based on points already in the bag, with goal-difference to resolve ties where needed) shown in the grey section of the table, to the left.

In the central dark-blue vertical band are (typically) up- or down-arrows to indicate where teams are higher or lower in the alt-3 table than in the standard table. A solid arrow or indicates a difference of 3 or more league places.

The other numbers shown in the table are:

  • The usual league-table summaries:
    • Pld: matches played to date
    • GD: goal difference
    • Pts: league points won to date, minus any points deducted by the league
  • The alt-3 league table:
    • ePld: the alt-3 measure of each team's effective number of matches played to date.
      • Where ePld is less than the actual number Pld of matches played, the team has played tougher opposition than average; and vice-versa where ePld exceeds Pld.
      • Where the difference between Pld and ePld is a whole match or more, the team's numbers in the alt-3 table are colour-highlighted (in light green where ePld is less than Pld, and light red where the reverse is true).
      • Where schedule-strength imbalance is so strong that Pld and ePld differ by more than 2.0, the entry in the ePld column is shown in bold type
    • Rate: the league points won per effective match played, i.e.,
      Rate = Pts ÷ ePld .
      [That's the alt-3 Rate calculation for a "normal" team with no points deducted by the league. Where points have been deducted, the appropriate adjustment is made: see The league tables explained for details.]
    The alt-3 league table is sorted according to the current values of Rate.

For further details on the method, see The league tables explained and (if you like maths!) The mathematical method explained.